Curriculum Vitae


Greek and Latin Epic, Digital Humanities, Intertextuality, Oral-Formulaic Theory, Computational Poetics and Stylometry


Ph.D in Classics, University at Buffalo, June 2014
Dissertation: “De Homeri Ingenio: Aspects of oral-formulaic composition in the Iliad
Supervisor: Roger D. Woodard

M.A. in Classics, University at Buffalo, June 2009
Project: “An application of computer-based authorship analysis techniques to the Homeric epos.”

M.S. in Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, May 2006
Thesis: “Modeling canopy transmittance using hemispherical photography, remote sensing, and geographic information systems.”

B.A. in Classics, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University, May 2004


Associate Professor of Classics, Mount Allison University, 2022–present
Assistant Professor of Classics, Mount Allison University, 2017–2022
Post-doctoral researcher, University of Notre Dame, 2016–2017
Post-doctoral researcher (collaborateur scientifique), University of Geneva, 2014–2016


at Mount Allison

Digital Methods in the Humanities (Fa 2018, Wi 2018, Wi 2020)
Classical Mythology (Wi 2018, Wi 2019, Wi 2020, Wi 2023)
Greek and Roman Epic Poetry (Fa 2017, Fa 2019, Fa 2020, Fa 2021)
Lyric Poetry of Greece and Rome (Wi 2018, Wi 2020, Wi 2022)
Greek and Roman Comedy (Wi 2019, Wi 2023)
Greek Tragedy (Fa 2020)
Roman Horror (Fa 2019, Fa 2021)
Introductory Greek I (Sp 2018, Fa 2018, Fa 2020)
Intermediate Greek (Fa 2017, Fa 2019)
Introductory Readings in Greek (Wi 2018, Wi 2020)
Readings in Greek Poetry (Fa 2018, Fa 2020, Fa 2021)
Readings in Greek Prose (Wi 2019, Wi 2020)
Readings in Latin Poetry (Fa 2019, Fa 2021)

prior positions

Elements of Computing II, University of Notre Dame, Spring 2017
Contributor (intervenant), Travestissement et transgénéricité: l’Achilléide de Stace, Université de Genève, Spring 2015
Indo-European Myth and Religion, University at Buffalo, Summer 2010
Cicero Pro Caelio, University at Buffalo, 2010
Introductory Latin 1–2, University at Buffalo, 2008–2009


Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer (2019) Quantitative Intertextuality. Springer.

Edited Volumes

Coffee, N., C. W. Forstall, L. Galli Milić, and D. Nelis. (2020) Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches. De Gruyter.

Special Journal Editions

Dictynna 12 (2015). Special issue on Flavian epic and intertextuality. Special editors N. Coffee, C. W. Forstall, L. Galli-Milić, and D. P. Nelis.

Book Chapters

Coffee, N. and C. W. Forstall. (2017) “Claudian’s Engagement with Lucan in his Historical and Mythological Hexameters” in V. Berlincourt, L. Galli Milić, D. Nelis, eds., Lucan and Claudian: Context and Intertext. Winter Verlag. Pp. 255-84.
Coffee, N., C. W. Forstall, and J. Gawley (2017) “The Tesserae Project: Detecting Intertextuality of Meaning and Sound.” In Mastandrea, P. (ed.), Strumentidigitali e collaborativiper le Scienze dell’Antichità. Antichistica 14, Filolologia e letteratura 3. Edizioni Ca’Foscari. Pp. 189–92.
[Abstract/Full Text]


Shen, B., C. W. Forstall, A. Rocha, W. J. Scheirer (2018) “Practical Text Phylogeny for Real-World Settings.” IEEE Access 6:41002-41012
[Abstract/Full text]
Rocha, A., W. J. Scheirer, C. W. Forstall, T. Cavalcante, A. R. B. Carvalho, and E. Stamatatos (2017) “Authorship Attribution for Social Media Forensics.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 12(1):5–33.
[Abstract] [Preprint]
Scheirer, W. J., C. W. Forstall, and N. Coffee (2016) “The Sense of a Connection: Automatic Tracing of Intertextuality by Meaning.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 31(1): 204-217.
[Abstract] [Preprint]
Forstall, C. W., N. Coffee, T. Buck, K. Roache, and S. Jacobson (2015) “Modeling the Scholars: Detecting Intertextuality through Enhanced Word-Level N-Gram Matching.” Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 30(4): 503-515.
[Abstract] [Preprint]
Coffee, N., C. W. Forstall, L. Galli Milić, and D. P. Nelis (2015) “Introduction.” Dictynna 12.
[Full Text]
Coffee, N., J.-P. Koenig, S. Poornima, C. W. Forstall, R. Ossewaarde, and S. Jacobson. (2013) “The Tesserae Project: Intertextual Analysis of Latin Poetry” Literary and Linguistic Computing 28(2): 221-228.
[Abstract] [Preprint]
Coffee, N., J.-P. Koenig, S. Poornima, C. W. Forstall, R. Ossewaarde, and S. Jacobson. (2012) “Intertextuality in the Digital Age.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 142.2: 383-422.
[Abstract] [Preprint]
Forstall, C. W., S. L. Jacobson and W. J. Scheirer, (2011) “Evidence of intertextuality: investigating Paul the Deacon’s Angustae Vitae.” Literary and Linguistic Computing 26 (3): 285-296.
[Abstract] [Preprint]
Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer, (2010) “Features from frequency: authorship and stylistic analysis using repetitive sound.” Proceedings of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science 1(2).
[Abstract / Full Text]


Forstall, C. W. “Distant Reading of Direct Speech in Epic: An Illustrated Workflow.” 15th Congress of the Fédération internationale des associations d’études classiques and the Classical Association annual conference 2019, University College London, July 8, 2019.
Forstall, C. W. and A. Kaminski. “From Words to Scenes: Modelling Thematic Language in Latin Epic.” 2018 Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association, St. Mary’s University, Halifax, Oct. 20, 2018
Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer (2016) “‘The Lannisters Send their Regards’: Intertextual Tools and Theory in the Age of Fandom.” Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, University of Illinois at Chicago, November 11, 2016.
Forstall, C. W., L. Galli Milić and D. Nelis (2016) “Approaches to Thematic Classification for Latin Epic.” Digital Humanities 2016, Krakow, Poland, July 11–16, 2016.
Forstall, C. W. and L. Galli Milić (2015) “Thematic features for intertextual analysis.” Digital Classicist Berlin Seminar Series, Berlin, Germany, October 13, 2015.
[Abstract, slides and video]
Gawley, J., C. W. Forstall and K. Clark (2014) “Automating the Search for Cross-language Text Reuse.” Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 9–11, 2014.
Forstall, C. W., J. Gawley, K. Clark, and A. Miu (2013) “Two methods for discovering cross-­language text-­reuse.” 2013 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, DePaul University, Chicago IL, December 5–7, 2013.
Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer, (2009) “Features from frequency: authorship and stylistic analysis using repetitive sound.” 2009 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, November 2009.
Hargreaves B. R., C. W. Forstall, L. M. Nichols, D. P. Morris, F. J. Pazzaglia, C. E. Williamson, and R. N. Weisman. “Lake model for ultraviolet attenuation adapted to streams.” 29th Congress of the International Association of Theorectical and Applied Limnology. Lathi, Finland, August 8-14, 2004.


Kinnison, J., N. Okuda, J. O. Gawley, C. Haas, A. C. Diddams, C. W. Forstall, N. Coffee, and W. J. Scheirer. “Tesserae Intertext Service: Intertextual Search Access to Digital Collections in the Humanities.” Midwest Speech and Language Days 2018, May 10–11, 2018, University of Notre Dame.
Forstall, C. W., L. Galli Milić, and D. Nelis (2015) “Beyond verbal identity: Contextual features for intertext discovery,” Humanités Numériques et Antiquité, Grenoble, France, September 2–4, 2015.
Coffee, N., J. Gawley, C. W. Forstall, W. J. Scheirer, J. J. Corso, D. Johnson, and B Parks (2014) “Modeling the Interpretation of Literary Allusion with Machine Learning Techniques.” Journal of Digital Humanities 3.1.
[Abstract/Digital Poster]
Scheirer, W. J. and C. W. Forstall (2014) “Euterpe’s Hidden Song: Patterns in Elegy.” Digital Humanities 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 9–11, 2014.
Scheirer, W. J., C. W. Forstall, N. Coffee, J. Corso, D. Johnson, and B. Parks (2013) “Modeling the interpretation of literary allusion with machine learning techniques.” Digital Humanities 2013, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, July 16–19, 2013.
[Abstract] [Slides]
Coffee, N., C. W. Forstall, and J. Gawley (2013) “What is allusion? A digital approach.” Word, Space, Time: Digital Perspectives on the Classical World, University at Buffalo, April 5–6, 2013.
Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer (2012) “Revealing hidden patterns in the meter of Homer’s Iliad.” 2012 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. November 17–19, 2012.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Gawley, J., C. W. Forstall, and N. Coffee (2012) “Evaluating the literary significance of text re-use in Latin poetry.” 2012 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL. November 17–19, 2012.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer (2011) “Visualizing sound as functional n-grams in Homeric Greek poetry.” Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, Palo Alto CA, June 19–22, 2011.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Coffee, N., J.-P. Koenig, S. Poornima, C. W. Forstall, R. Ossewaarde, and S. Jacobson (2011) “The Tesserae Project: intertextual analysis of Latin poetry.” Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University, June 19–21, 2011.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Forstall, C. W. and W. J. Scheirer (2010) “A statistical stylistic study of Latin elegiac couplets.” 2010 Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and Computer Science, Northwestern University, Evanston IL, November 21–22, 2010.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Forstall, C. W., S. L. Jacobson and W. J. Scheirer (2010) “Evidence of intertextuality: investigating Paul the Deacon’s Angustae Vitae.” Digital Humanities 2010, King’s College London, London, UK, July 7–11, 2010.
[Abstract] [Poster]
Forstall, C. W., S. Haight and B. R. Hargreaves. “Using ASTER Data to Quantify Riparian Canopy Area for a Range of Stream Orders in Eastern Pennsylvania, USA.” 2005 GSA NE Regional Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY., March 2005.
Haight, S., C. W. Forstall and B. R. Hargreaves. “Ground and Satellite Estimates of the Penetration of Ultraviolet and Visible Radiation Through Forest Canopy in Eastern Pennsylvania, USA.” 2005 GSA NE Regional Meeting, Saratoga Springs, NY, March 2005.
Forstall, C. W., B. R. Hargreaves and L. M. Nichols. “Quantitative Modeling of DOC Transport in the Lehigh River Watershed.” 2004 Sigma Xi Regional Symposium, St. Joseph’s University, April 2004.
Nichols, L. M., C. W. Forstall and B. R. Hargreaves. “Qualitative Properties of CDOM in the Lehigh River Watershed.” 2004 Sigma Xi Regional Symposium, St. Joseph’s University, April 2004.


“Digital Research Methods for Intertextual Media.” University of Rostock, Germany (delivered online), June 7–10, 2022.
“TESSERAE: Intertextualité et informatique.” With L. Galli Milić and D. Nelis. Humanités Numériques et Antiquité, Grenoble, France, September 2, 2015.
“Digital Textual Analysis with R for Humanists,” With J. Gawley. University at Buffalo, April 17, 2014.
“Revealing intertextuality with Tesserae.” Lucain et Claudien face à face: une poésie politique entre épopée, histoire et panégyrique, Fondation Hardt, Vandœuvres-Geneva, Switzerland, November 8–10, 2012.

Invited talks

Nelis, D. C.W. Forstall and L. Galli Milić. “Exploring New Methods: 
Quantitative Approaches to Epic Intertextuality.” Exploring the Boundaries of Narrative Structures in Epic Poetry, Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres, Switzerland, February 4, 2017.
Forstall, C.W. and W.J. Scheirer. “Quantitative Intertextuality for Texts Ancient and Modern.” College of the Holy Cross, Worcester MA, October 17, 2016.
Forstall, C.W. “Tesserae: Digital Humanities Perspectives on Intertextual Reading.” Lehigh University, Bethlehem PA, April 16, 2014.

Meetings organized

Digital Approaches to Direct Speech Representation in Greek and Latin Epic. With S. Finkmann and B. Verhelst. University of Rostock, Germany, June 30–July 2, 2022).
Annual meeting of the Atlantic Classical Association. With B. Robertson, C. Gardner, and S. Ehrlich. Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Oct. 27–28, 2017.
Généalogies et intertextualités numériques: l’atelier du Bodmer Lab #1. With R. Suciu, A. Biscéré and T. Rolland. University of Geneva, Switzerland, January 14–15, 2016. [Program]
Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry. With L. Galli Milić, N. Coffee, and D. Nelis. Fondation Hardt, Vandoeuvres, Switzerland, May 28–30, 2015. [Program]

Grants / Awards

Mare Balticum Fellowship, University of Rostock, 2021 (postponed to 2022). With Simone Finkmann.
“Speeches in Epic Poetry,” 2020–2021. Mount Allison University President’s Research and Creative Activities Fund
Co-applicant, “Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry,” 2015. Swiss National Science Foundation #160658

Professional Development

Hackathon: “Don’t leave your data problems at home!”, Electronic Text Reuse Acquisition Project, Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities, Göttingen, Germany, July 27-31, 2016.
Conventiculum Buffaloniense, spoken Latin workshop, University at Buffalo, June 26-28, 2013.
Conventiculum Buffaloniense, spoken Latin workshop, University at Buffalo, June 27-29, 2012.
THATCamp GTA, Ryerson University, Canada, October 21–22, 2011.

Peer Review

Referee, Digital Humanities (2017, 2019, 2020)
Referee, Transactions of the American Philological Society (2020)
Referee, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018)
Referee, Journal of Data Mining and Digital Humanities (2017)
Referee, English Text Construction (2016)
Referee, Society for Classical Studies Annual Meeting (2016)
Referee, Literary and Linguistic Computing (2010, 2012)

Professional Service

Treasurer, Atlantic Classical Association (2018–present)